Curious Classics – Classical singing meets Duduk
Concert is canceled.
This concert has unfortunately been canceled as a result of the travel retrictions in Iran because of the corona virus. Purchased tickets are refunded by Konserthuset Stockholm’s box office.
At this evening’s concert, three major musical traditions unite: Persian, Armenian and Arabic, represented by three phenomenal young musicians. They are Sahar Mohammadi, who has one of the most beautiful voices for contemporary Persian singing; Jasser Haj Youssef from Tunisia, who has incorporated the viola d’amore with a natural approach into Arabic musical tradition; and Haïg Sarikouyoumdijan, the Armenian duduk master who has previously performed with gambist and early music expert Jordi Savall.
In addition to having perfectly mastered their voices and instruments, each of these three musicians has developed a personal form of expression and original musicality. They have contributed to the development of traditions that unite a long history of spirituality, philosophy and poetry.
Persian music is often described as mystical and melancholy, and frequently references the powerfully lyrical tradition of Persian literature and Sufism, the Islamic mysticism tradition with a special place in Iran. In this trio’s version, plenty of samples of this musical poetry are presented from heart to heart.
Curious Classics package – buy at least 3 concerts and receive 15% off